Here are some of the most common questions regarding Leasing and Applications; ADA, Pets & WiFi; and Parking & Guests. If you'd like any other information, contact the Leasing Office anytime -- we're always happy to answer questions.
Leasing & Applications
What is the rental application process?
First, review the Rental Housing Programs Eligibility Criteria to verify you are eligible to rent at The Cardinal Apartments. Your eligibility priority must fall within categories 1 through 6, and the Leasing Office will confirm eligibility after receipt of your Offer Letter or two most recent paystubs. Next, call the Leasing Office at 650-457-0977 to inquire about availability. You may be asked to complete and return a Waitlist Form. If there is availability, you may begin the application process.
When do I submit an application?
Your leasing agent will have you submit an application when an apartment fitting your criteria comes available. You must have already submitted a Waitlist Form and Offer Letter or two most recent paystubs.
Where can I submit my application?
Applications can be emailed to thecardinalapartments@stanford.edu.
What happens after I submit my application?
Once your application is reviewed and approved, you will be notified by your leasing agent.
When may I view an apartment?
Please contact The Cardinal Apartments to schedule a viewing appointment.
Is my application fee refundable?
No. The application fee is required to run a credit check.
What if I do not need an apartment immediately?
Contact the Leasing Office to discuss future availability.
How long is the lease term?
Lease terms with a start date between October to March are 6 to 12 months. Lease terms with a start date between April to September are 9 to 12 months. Applicants may request a month-to-month lease with a monthly premium of $200. The shortest month-to-month lease is 30 days.
Do all leaseholders (residents over 18) have to be eligible?
Eligibility for the household is based on the highest eligible person. Roommates do not need to be eligible; however, if the eligible person leaves their eligible position, the lease will move to Market Rate.
What if I resign or retire?
Each household will be re-certified annually. Please note, upon retirement a resident will no longer qualify for the Stanford Rate.
What about rent increases?
When you sign a lease, the rent rate is guaranteed for the duration of the lease term. At least 30 days before renewal, rent changes will be announced. The only rent increases that are restricted are those for the BMR (Below Market Rate) homes which are limited to guidelines set forth by the City of Redwood City.
ADA, Pets & WiFi
Are there adaptable homes for the disabled?
Yes, our homes are ADA approved. Many adaptations can and have been made; however, additional adaptations will be done at the resident's request and expense. If you are interested in adaptable homes, please check the appropriate box on the application.
Where can I walk my dog?
See our pet policies and a list of nearby dog parks. We have provided pet stations along the exterior of the building. All dogs must be on a leash. Please clean up after your dog.
Is WiFi offered within the community?
Yes, WiFi is available in the amenity areas. Please inquire with the Leasing Office for the network and password for individual amenity areas.